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Introduction film of working groups: Organization of script writing, filming, and post-production #

July 25, 2020

Are you studying EI? Do you attend various information events by the EI student council, including the FVV (First Semester Introduction)? Then you have probably noticed that we display many slides that advertise our student council and working groups (AGs). Without the voluntary work of our students, we could not offer our services such as selling scripts and renting lockers.

However, since approximately 100 AG slides take up a lot of time in a presentation, we would like to replace them with a short 10-15 minute film. For this, we need a person who takes on the organization of the film, delegates tasks, and has a vision:

  • The film should briefly and self-ironically touch on all our AGs, in the form of a mockumentary. There is already a collection of ideas for this.
  • Volunteers from the student council can take on delegated tasks such as acting, script writing, or technical aspects.
  • The film should be of high quality and preferably not give off a cringe-worthy feeling.
  • The film should be refreshing to the students and not lose their attention, which is why humor and entertainment are highly valued.
  • The over-the-top portrayal of student council work is allowed, but no false information may be spread as a result.

If you are interested, simply write an email to projektarbeit@fs.ei.tum.de.