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Project Work #

You don’t want to earn Soft Skill Credits only for subjects where you have to study for exams? You want to create your own project? Improve things or realize your own ideas? In the student council and the AStA, there are several tasks where you can demonstrate your organizational skills, your initiative, and your creativity.

Organizing a project of your choice earns you 3 ECTS as a FIQ subject (Bachelor) or as an extracurricular complement (Master).

Whether it’s organizing a soldering course, an art gallery festival, or the introductory days for first-year students. You can decide what interests you! You can also bring your own ideas to improve student support and create completely new projects. Whatever you tackle - you are not alone. Everyone who chooses a project has a mentor by their side who can help you with all difficulties.

Interest #

Just write to projektarbeit@fs.ei.tum.de.

Further information is available on the website of the former Carl von Linde Academy.

Dates in the Summer Semester #

For project work, there are several additional workshops from MCTS that can help you with implementation and should also be attended.

Here are the dates for the summer semester 2023:

Event Leader Time Location
Kickoff Meeting Kopp, Recknagel 11.05.23 10:00 AM – 12:00 PM Seminar Room 1.221
Project Management Workshop Schlesinger 20.05.23 10:00 AM – 6:00 PM Seminar Room 1.221
Team Communication Workshop Hörtlackner 23.05.23 1:00 PM – 6:00 PM Seminar Room 1.221
Final Presentation Kopp, Recknagel 20.07.23 10:00 AM – 12:00 PM Seminar Room 1.229

Registration via TUMonline is already possible.

Possible Projects #

  • Creation of oscilloscope courses, E-Lab management systems, or other E-Lab projects
  • Admin: Setting up feedback/complaint system [contact project leader]
  • Presentation film(s) of student council: Organizing script writing, filming, and post-production
  • Information evening for third and fourth-semester students on choosing a study focus
  • Info - University Politics Staff
  • Partial organization of one of our events

Of course, your own proposal is welcome!