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What is a study trial? #

Newly enrolled freshmen often have tons of questions after starting their studies. During the study trial, you have the opportunity to find some of the answers early on:

During the bavarian autumn holidays, the faculty for electrical and computer engineering of the Technical University of Munich (TUM for short) is open to all interested, providing a preview of what the student everyday life is like. This is the perfect opportunity for all high school students who are toying with the idea of studying electrical and computer engineering – but also for those who have no idea what hides behind this long study course name.

We, the faculty student council (like your school’s student council, but at university) will accompany you through this week of course. We will show you around the campus and give advice and answers to all the questions you want to ask us.

Organisation #

When? #

During the bavarian autumn holidays.

Where? #

At the School of Computation, Information and Technology (CIT). It is located on the TUM main campus in the center of Munich. The school is situated in the N1 building, and our student council room is in the N4 building.

Who can participate? #

All high-school students, tenth grade or older, and people with vocational qualifications who are interested in studying electrical and computer engineering at the TUM.

How do I sign up? #

All important information can be found on the homepage of our school.

I still have questions… #

Don’t worry! We will gladly help you with all your concerns. Write us a mail to erstsem@fs.ei.tum.de or info@fs.ei.tum.de anytime.